Map of Tegucigalpa, Honduras

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Good.iWare headed by Yuri Selukoff has created the best pdf reader for the iPhone and iPad, GoodReader. You can now have an iPhone map or iPad map as pdfs by purchasing GoodReader and purchasing and importing my maps into your iPhone or iPad.
Good Travels, Angus
We have joined PayPal to provide the means for you to make a donation for these maps. We are asking for $2.00 to $5.00 per map used would really support our efforts.
We are also offering for sale a version of the Tegucigalpa map without the advertising banner for $2.50 (click below to pay for this file using Payloadz's automated payment and file transfer system)
and a print enabled file for $5.00 (click below to pay for this file using Payloadz's automated payment and file transfer system)
Thank you for your support,
Angus Weller
Scale at 100%: 1:40,000 approximate
Map Size: 38cm x 22.8cm (15" x 9")
Content: A simple map of Tegucigalpa and Comayaguela showing important buildings.
Language: English
Comments: Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras. It was founded in the late 16th century. The old city is built on the hillside is very quaint. The city is not connected to a railway system.
Author: Weller Cartographic Services Ltd.
Price:- Adobe Illustrator file for personal use is $30.00. Contact Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. for prices for multiple copy use, including printing rights. Click here to get a contact form
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Weller Cartographic Services Ltd.
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